Politicizing Trans/Trans_forming Politics

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Lann Horn­scheidt, Tamás Jules Fu­et­ty, Ja’n Samm­la, Rüzgår Gökçe Buşki and Ste­pha­nie Ur­gast.

Cent­re for Trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry Gen­der Stu­dies, Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty, Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with In­ter­Gen­der (Swe­dish-​In­ter­na­tio­nal Re­se­arch School in In­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry Gen­der Stu­dies), Lin­köping Uni­ver­si­ty, Swe­den.

This se­ven-​day lab, con­sis­ting of work­shops, a lec­tu­re se­ries, an ar­tis­tic ex­hi­bi­ti­on and a party is meant to in­itia­te an ex­chan­ge of dif­fe­rent peop­le co­ming from va­rious fields of know­ledge pro­duc­tion theo­ri­zing and or­ga­ni­zing trans po­li­tics and dif­fe­rent po­si­tio­nings wi­t­hin power re­la­ti­ons.

It is the aim to start di­s­cus­sions and to come to know dif­fe­rent per­spec­tives of po­li­tics and or­ga­ni­zing which are con­nec­ted to dif­fe­rent daily li­ving rea­li­ties, ne­ces­si­ties and strugg­les em­bed­ded in va­rious so­ci­al po­si­tio­nings of trans* and po­li­tics of lo­ca­ti­ons. The in­ter­de­pen­den­cy of mul­ti­ple dis­cri­mi­na­ti­ons and vio­lence play a cen­tral role for all to­pics, events and ap­proa­ches in this lab.

The whole event is meant to en­ga­ge in new forms of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, to con­nect dif­fe­rent ac­tivists, or­ga­niza­t­i­ons and in­sti­tu­ti­ons which want to work against dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on, to ex­chan­ge aca­de­mic, po­li­ti­cal and ar­tis­tic per­spec­tives, and by that hope to en­han­ce and deepen cri­ti­cal know­ledge pro­duc­tions and po­li­tics about trans*_.


Dean Spade – Open Lecture

Cri­ti­cal Trans Po­li­tics and the Li­mits of Law

Groups fa­cing vio­lence and mar­gi­na­liza­t­i­on are often en­cou­ra­ged to seek re­dress through law. Cri­ti­cal legal scho­lar­ship and so­ci­al mo­ve­ments have ques­tio­ned this stra­te­gy, ex­po­sing the li­mi­ta­ti­ons and pit­falls of rights frame­works. How should trans po­li­tics en­ga­ge with this di­lem­ma? How are legal re­form stra­te­gies, like hate crime laws and an­ti-​dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on laws, being used by trans ac­tivists? What other ap­proa­ches to law re­forms are pos­si­ble for trans po­li­tics? How can our re­sis­tan­ce ad­dress the si­gni­fi­cant vio­lence that trans peop­le face in legal sys­tems such as po­li­cing, pri­sons, and im­mi­gra­ti­on en­force­ment? This pre­sen­ta­ti­on will ad­dress these ques­ti­ons and offer ideas and mo­dels for cri­ti­cal en­ga­ge­ment with law re­form as a part of trans re­sis­tan­ce, es­pe­ci­al­ly fo­cu­sing on how com­mit­ments to ra­ci­al and eco­no­mic jus­ti­ce can in­form such en­ga­ge­ment.

Dean Spade is an As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor at Se­at­tle Uni­ver­si­ty School of Law and teaches Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve Law, Po­ver­ty Law, Law and So­ci­al Mo­ve­ments and Cri­ti­cal Per­spec­tives on Trans­gen­der Law. In 2002, Dean foun­ded the Syl­via Ri­vera Law Pro­ject, a non-​pro­fit law collec­tive that pro­vi­des free legal ser­vices to trans­gen­der, in­ter­sex and gen­der non-​con­for­ming peop­le who are low-​in­co­me and/or peop­le of color. While wor­king at SRLP, Dean also taught clas­ses fo­cu­sing on se­xu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, gen­der iden­ti­ty and law at Co­lum­bia and Har­vard Law Schools. www.​deanspade.​net

Şevval Kılıç – Open lecture

Trans-​Sex­work and po­li­ce re­pres­si­on in Istan­bul

Tur­key has a very high rate of trans mur­ders (25 have been re­por­ted since 2008). Alt­hough homo/trans­se­xua­li­ty is not tech­ni­cal­ly cri­mi­na­li­zed by law, sys­te­ma­tic vio­lence against LGBT peop­le is wi­des­pread. Po­li­ce of­fi­ci­als get extra credit when they fine trans ipeop­le; the law/cri­mi­nal jus­ti­ce sys­tem doesn’t work for but against trans peop­le by ma­king them tar­gets in­s­tead of ta­king the vio­lence and mur­ders of trans peop­le se­rious­ly. Ne­ver­the­l­ess, LGBT mo­ve­ment in Tur­key gains power and vi­si­bi­li­ty against op­pres­si­on each year. As po­li­ce and state re­pres­si­on in­crea­ses in tan­dem with con­ser­va­ti­ve neo-​li­be­ral go­ver­ment, the trans mo­ve­ment also grows and gets stron­ger.

This pre­sen­ta­ti­on in­ter­con­nects forms of vio­lence against trans peop­le, fo­cu­sing on the si­tua­ti­on of trans-​sex­wor­kers in İstan­bul and the ways they or­ga­ni­ze against cur­rent and on­go­ing po­li­ce re­pres­si­on.

Şevval Kılıç is an ac­tivist of İstan­bul LGBT As­so­cia­ti­on and one of the main or­ga­ni­zers of İstan­bul Trans Pride.

Elana Dykewomon – Open Lecture

Ma­king a way where no words for the way exist

The lec­tu­re will in­ves­ti­ga­te cri­ti­cal wri­ting prac­tices with a fe­mi­nist focus on dy­ke_­trans­gres­si­ve lo­ca­ti­ons and re­la­ti­ons­hips. It en­ga­ges the pos­si­bi­li­ties/pro­blems of lan­gua­ge dis­rup­ti­on in se­xist/ra­cist so­cie­ty and wi­t­hin dyke com­mu­nities. How can lin­gu­is­tic prac­tices be used, ap­pro­pria­ted, re_as­si­gned, re_­si­gni­fied and how can uto­pi­an lin­gu­is­tic spaces be crea­ted? Elana Dy­ke­wo­mon will ex­ami­ne how theo­re­ti­cal po­si­ti­ons work out in prac­tical ap­p­li­ca­ti­on and the pro­blems of how cur­rent sta­tes of de­sta­bi­liza­t­i­on (eco­no­mic, po­li­ti­cal, emo­tio­nal) crea­te dif­fi­cult cli­ma­tes for ra­di­cal re_in­ven­ti­on.

Elana Dy­ke­wo­mon has been a cul­tu­ral wor­ker and so­ci­al jus­ti­ce ac­tivist for over forty years. She has pu­blis­hed nu­me­rous cri­ti­cal es­says and seven crea­ti­ve books fo­re­groun­ding les­bi­an life, in­clu­ding the award win­ning Bey­ond the Pale (Sa­rahs Töch­ter). Elana Dy­ke­wo­mon was an edi­tor of the in­ter­na­tio­nal les­bi­an jour­nal of arts & po­li­tics, Si­nis­ter Wis­dom, for seven years and now of­fers pri­va­te wri­ting clas­ses and edit­ing through www.​dykewomon.​org

Trystan Cotten – Open Lecture

Midd­le Pas­sa­ges: Race, Space, and Mi­gra­ti­on in the Af­ri­can Di­as­po­ra

In this lec­tu­re Trys­tan Cot­ten will pre­sent preli­mi­na­ry fin­dings from his eth­no­gra­phic study of trans-​iden­ti­fied men in the Af­ri­can Di­as­po­ra and en­ga­ge in in­ter­sec­tions of gen­der (par­ti­cu­lar­ly ma­s­cul­in­i­ty), race, space, na­tio­na­lism, mo­ve­ment, and mi­gra­ti­on. The at­tempt is to theo­ri­ze trans­sec­tio­na­li­ties and trans­gen­der mi­gra­ti­ons by using eth­no­gra­phic data of trans-​iden­ti­fied men in the Af­ri­can di­as­po­ra whose gen­der tran­si­ti­ons ent­ail a num­ber of dif­fe­rent (si­mul­ta­neous) mi­gra­ti­ons (gen­der, geo­gra­phi­cal, ra­ci­al, and eth­nic) and bor­der-​cros­sings.

Part one of this paper di­s­cus­ses the mul­ti­ple lay­ers of this shif­ting rea­li­ty of trans­men in the Af­ri­can Di­as­po­ra in the United Sta­tes. The tran­si­tio­nal tra­jec­to­ries of Black and brown bo­dies tran­si­tio­ning from fe­ma­le to male are con­fron­ted with a ra­di­cal­ly dif­fe­rent so­ci­al, eco­no­mic, and po­li­ti­cal rea­li­ty in the United Sta­tes than most white trans ma­s­cul­in­ities, as Black ma­s­cul­in­ities been ste­reo­ty­ped as hy­perse­xu­al, vio­lent, and in­cor­ri­gi­b­le me­naces to so­cie­ty.

Trys­tan Cot­ten is As­so­cia­te Pro­fes­sor of Gen­der and Eth­nic Stu­dies at Ca­li­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Sta­nis­laus where he teaches and con­ducts re­se­arch on gen­der, se­xua­li­ty, race, and glo­bal po­li­ti­cal eco­no­my. He has pu­blis­hed se­ver­al books in Gen­der and Eth­nic Stu­dies with his most re­cent being Trans­gen­der Mi­gra­ti­ons: The Bo­dies, Bor­ders, and Po­li­tics of Tran­si­ti­on (Rout­ledge, 2011). He is foun­der and CEO of Trans­gress Press, a new so­ci­al en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al model of pu­blis­hing that pro­mo­tes trans­gres­si­ve thin­king. His next collec­tion is Hung Jury: Testi­mo­nies of Ge­ni­tal Sur­ge­ry by Trans­se­xu­al Men (Forth­co­ming: Trans­gress Press, June 2012)
