Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions

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Editors: Sandeep Bakshi (University of Le Havre), Suhraiya Jivraj (University of Kent) and
Silvia Posocco (Birkbeck, University of London)
Counterpress, Oxford, 2016

Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions contributes to the critical field of queer decolonial studies by demonstrating how sexuality, race, gender and religion intersect transnationally. The volume maps some of the specifically local issues as well as the common ones affecting queer/trans people of colour (qtpoc). The contributions are not delimited by traditional academic style but rather draw on creative inspiration to produce knowledge and insight through various styles and formats, including poetry, essays, statements, manifestos, as well as academic mash-ups. Queering coloniality and the epistemic categories that classify people means to disobey and delink from the coloniality of knowledge and of being. At this intersection, decolonial queerness is necessary not only to resist coloniality but, above all, to re-exist and re-emerge decolonially.

Transgender China

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Edited by Howard Chiang Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 In the vibrant field of queer Asian studies, scholars to date have paid scant attention to transgender topics. Meanwhile, despite its already sophisticated focus on gender non-conformity, Western queer studies exhibits an equally pressing problem: the conspicuous absence of empirical and theoretical investigations of transgenderism in Northeast Asian […]

Transgender activism in Russia

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LGBT issues in Russia receive a lot of attention from the media worldwide. However not all groups that are included in LGBT, or even broader LGBTQI, abbreviation are covered equally. While problems faced by Russian lesbian and gay people are considered in detail, queer, bisexual, transgender and intersex issues remain almost invisible. This article is aimed at filling this gap by describing the situation that Russian trans* people live in and our struggle as trans* activists.

Reclaiming Afrikan. Queer Perspectives on Sexual and Gender Identities

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Zethu Matebeni (eds.) A collection of essays and images, Scholarly archival and critical work. Reclaiming Afrikan: Queer Perspectives on Sexual and Gender Identities is a collaboration and collection of art, photography and critical essays interrogating the meanings and everyday practices of queer life in Africa today. In Reclaiming Afrikan authors, activists and artists from Nigeria, […]

Free Gender

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Free Gender is a black lesbian organisation based in Khayelitsha township of Cape Town. As human rights defenders, we are also gender friendly towards transgender and intersex persons in our community. The organisation was founded in 2008 and have since participated in various protests/ political meetings/ guest talks at academic and public forums. We also supported different stakeholders whose common objectives are relevant to our mandate.

Queer African Reader

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Sokari Ekine, Hakima Abbas (ed.)
2013, Pambazuka Press.

As increasing homophobia and transphobia across Africa threatens to silence the voices of African Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people, the Queer African Reader brings together a collection of writings, analysis and artistic works that engage with the struggle for LGBTI liberation and inform sexual orientation and gender variance.

Alianzas tullido transfeministas a traves de la sexualidad y la postpornografía

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Presentación y proyección de vídeo a cargo de Pornortopedia y postporno tullido Nexos. Con la participación de Post-Op, Lucrecia Masson y Patricia Carmona.

La idea es contribuir al imaginario pornografico con la visibilización de cuerpos que se salen de los parámetros de normalidad corporal (tullidos, marimachos, trans, gordxs…) y mostrar como deseables las prácticas a las que estas corporalidades invitan.

“No es lo que el postporno puede hacer por la personas con diversidad funcional, sino precisamente estos cuerpos que se mueven y sienten de una manera no mayoritaria lo que pueden hacer por la sexualidad colectiva, ampliando prácticas e imáginarios.”

Revolución en punto cero. Trabajo doméstico, reproducción y luchas feministas

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Silvia Federici
2013, Traficantes de sueños

Este volumen reúne trece artículos de la feminista Silvia Federici fechados entre 1975 y nuestros días. Incluye algunos de los textos fundamentales de la campaña Salarios para el Trabajo Doméstico así como importantes análisis sobre el impacto de los Programas de Ajuste Estructural en los países del Sur, de los que fue testigo en Nigeria. Recoge también sus recientes propuestas sobre los comunes, al igual que algunas críticas a las posiciones de otros pensadores e instituciones actuales. Todas sus contribuciones reflejan tanto la fuerza de su pasión política como la potencia intelectual de su concepción acerca del capitalismo, en general, y del trabajo reproductivo, en particular.

Transgender Migrations. The Bodies, Borders, and Politics of Transition

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Edited by Trystan Cotten
2012, New York, Routledge.

Transgender Migrations brings together a top-notch collection of emerging and established scholars to examine the way that the term “migration” can be used not only to look at the way trans bodies migrate from one gender to the (an?) other, but the way that trans people migrate in the larger geopolitical contexts of immigration reform, the war on terror, the war on drugs, and the increased policing of national borders. The book centers trans-ing experiences, identities, and politics, and treats these identities as inextricably intertwined with other social identities, institutions, and discourses of sexuality, nationality, race and ethnicity, globalization, colonialism, and terrorism. The chapter authors explore not only the movement of bodies in, through, and across spaces and borders, but also chart the metamorphoses of these bodies in relation to migration and mobility. Transgender Migrations takes the theory documented in The Transgender Studies Reader and blows it up to a global scale. It is the logical next step for scholarship in this dynamic, emerging field.

Transfeminismos. Epistemes, fricciones y flujos

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Compilado por Miriam Solá y Elena Urko
Prólogo de Beatriz Preciado
2013, Txalaparta

Esta antología pretende cartografiar la emergencia de toda una serie de discursos, prácticas políticas y producciones culturales ligadas al feminismo y a las luchas de liberación sexual y de género que habitan activamente los movimientos sociales del Estado español. No es una recapitulación de todas las reivindicaciones y acciones que se han emprendido desde lo que podríamos llamar feminismos queer, transfeminismos o nuevos feminismos. Se trata más bien de crear un archivo para recuperar y mantener un legado de activismos, visibilizando las voces de algunas de sus protagonistas. Voces que desafian las formas de saber científico y del pensamiento institucional, voces que aportan la imprescindible experiencia a un movimiento. A través de cada texto se reconstruye una genealogía, se lanzan preguntas, se visibilizan posturas, debates y colectivos. Este libro es, sobre todo, un compromiso con la recreación y la reconstrucción de saberes subversivos, de experiencias y memorias políticas al servicio de quienes luchan en los intersticios del feminismo.

Porn, Prostitution, Citizenship, and Nationalism

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Panel “Porn, Prostitution, Citizenship, and Nationalism” from CLAGS’ conference Homonationalism and Pinkwashing at The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York City, April 10-11, 2013. For more information about the conference, see the conference website: For more information about CLAGS, see our website: Moderator: David Gerstner, CUNY Presentations: 1. Sexual Citizenship: From Place to Race […]

Politicizing Trans/Trans_forming Politics

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| Or­ga­ni­zed by | Lann Horn­scheidt, Tamás Jules Fu­et­ty, Ja’n Samm­la, Rüzgår Gökçe Buşki and Ste­pha­nie Ur­gast. Cent­re for Trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry Gen­der Stu­dies, Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty, Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with In­ter­Gen­der (Swe­dish-​In­ter­na­tio­nal Re­se­arch School in In­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry Gen­der Stu­dies), Lin­köping Uni­ver­si­ty, Swe­den. This se­ven-​day lab, con­sis­ting of work­shops, a lec­tu­re se­ries, an ar­tis­tic ex­hi­bi­ti­on and a party […]